
Updated: September 27th 2023

Rules Overview

  • You must be 21 and over to participate
  • Racers must complete the courses during the race time frames
  • Any GPS device that can sync to Strava or export GPX files can be used to submit your times. 
  • Race times must be submitted no more than 24 hours after that attempt has been started.
  • Racers must follow the courses published (download the GPX to run it for turn-by-turn directions if your computer supports navigation directions)
  • Racers must keep 6 feet distance from other racers as best they can.  Passing and yielding is the only exception (aka NO DRAFTING). 
  • Racers MUST Follow all rules of the road/trail and etiquette
  • Pack it in pack it out (aka Leave no Trace)
  • Be a S.H.A.R.K (Safe, Honest, Accountable, Responsible, Kind)